This is my 3rd year of commuting to and from Glendon. How long this takes depends on the day’s circumstances. By bus, during rush hour, my commute can easily take an hour and a half. On a good day and with the help of my lovely father to drop me off at school, I usually get there in 20-30 mins. 

I got my G2 this summer and I still haven’t driven on my own because I’m lowkey iffy about being late to class in case I get too scared to change lanes…yeah, who the hell gave me a licence amirite? I need to speak to their manager.

As I’ve previously talked about, being a commuter doesn’t take away from your university experience. It just takes a bit more effort compared to if you were living on campus but Glendon has a lot of commuter students so don’t worry, many people are in the same boat.

Here are some things that I’ve learned along the way to make my commute as smooth as possible:

1. Keep in mind how long your commute will take when making your class schedule

To get a rough estimate on how long your commute might take, you can plug in your address on Google Maps – you can get an estimate if you’re driving, using the transit, walking, or cycling. With that in mind, be realistic when making your schedule. Maybe you don’t want to take too many 9 am classes (rush hour and who likes getting up early?).

2. The RocketMan App is your best friend

If you’re taking the TTC, download RocketMan on your phone right now! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve avoided standing in the cold waiting for the bus for 20 mins thanks to this app. This comes in handy especially during busy mornings so I know exactly what time to leave my house without frantically huffing and puffing while running for the bus. RocketMan also shows you where the nearest bus stops are 🙂

3. Eat breakfast or at least bring a snack

Picture this: you’re on a crowded bus at 8 am, there’s traffic, and you probably won’t get to school for another hour. A grumbling stomach added to this equation equals commuter disaster. No matter how crunched for time you are, always prioritize the most important meal of the day!

4. The most important rule of all: pee before you leave the house 

I had to. A grumbling stomach + a bladder waiting to be emptied = double commuter disaster.

5. Music + podcasts + books

My commute isn’t complete without listening to Stromae and pretending that I understand French. I don’t personally listen to podcasts but apparently, a lot of people do…so whatever works for you! I also like to catch up on readings during my commutes, but if you’re prone to motion sickness, it’s probably wise not to.

6. Take care of your metropass like it’s your child 

The thing costs $116.75 and the driver doesn’t even drop you off at your house, tuck you in and read you a bedtime story. Trust me, I’ve lost mine twice before after taking a mortgage out for these things. You think it won’t happen to you but it will. I hole-punched the corner of my pass and put it in a lanyard after learning the hard way 🙃.

And there you have it, friends. Rush hour and traffic ain’t got nothing on you.

Talk you next Monday!

By the way, if you’re a prospective student, I’d love to meet you on Fall Campus Day, this coming Sunday, November 5th from 10 am-2:30 pm. Come see Glendon in person with your friends and family. There will be campus & residence tours, information sessions, snacks, and of course, complimentary parking! 🙂

Twitter: anafelisagl

Instagram: eambassadorsgl